Standing Desk Pros & Cons

Ever since you started grade school, you’ve probably suffered behind a creaky, uncomfortable wooden desk. That trend most likely continued if you went to university or trade school. As you entered the workforce, you may have had to suffer with more of the same—a desk that had you hunching over your work—preparing you for a myriad of health problems down the road. 

Saraval Industries can’t do anything about the desks in schools unless the schools reach out themselves (we’d love that, by the way!). However, we can easily outfit home office workers, along with employers in the trading and control room industry, with ergonomic standing desks. They are literal game changers in terms of promoting health, comfort, and productivity. Read on to learn why you should upgrade yourself to a standing desk

Advantages of a Standing Desk

There are many advantages standing desks can offer workers. Before we get too deeply into the details, though, let’s discuss the impact of sitting all the time. In other words, the bad health drawbacks of working at a sedentary job all the time. Anyone who sits all day has a much higher risk of developing:

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Varicose veins

Of course, you can play the break game to create healthy habits, but the reality is that taking breaks to exercise and stretch at 30-minute intervals is simply not a reality for many of us. Plus, your co-workers will probably give you the side eye, along with your boss. Deadlines must be met, however, so enter the standing desk and its associated advantages. Standing at your desk benefits include improved posture, reduced back pain, and increased energy levels.

Become More Engaged with Your Coworkers

Want to improve your communication with your coworkers? Working at a standing desk will make it much easier to catch someone’s eye and actually talk to them for a minute. And, as most people can attest to, having a conversation will typically work better than sending an email. Additionally, you won’t miss opportunities to discuss important things right as they come up. 

Always Remain Ready to Go

One of the worst things about sitting is that it can make it so difficult to get up and move quickly, when necessary. Humans tend to become rooted in their chairs, which can become problematic when they need to bolt due to an emergency or because they suddenly realize they’re late for a meeting. When you’re already standing, though, you’ll be in the perfect position to move quickly. 

Become More Energetic

You know how you seem to get tired in the afternoon? Well, if you’re standing instead of sitting, this isn’t nearly as likely to happen. That’s because standing allows your mind to remain more alert, along with letting your blood circulate much more easily. As a result, you’ll have more energy, and your productivity will improve. 

Improve Your Core Strength and Posture

Sitting all day tends to irritate your back. You’ll become stiff and achy, which can make it difficult to move. Standing all day for more of the day instead can virtually eliminate back issues, especially if you make a conscious effort to keep your posture in line. It’ll also improve your core strength, and that’s a great way to reduce or eliminate issues with your back seizing up.    

The simple fact is that human bodies were meant to move, rather than sitting for extended periods of time. In fact, the more we sit, the more health issues we develop. Standing for a mere 15 minutes per hour provides a good way to boost your health, regardless of whether your standing time includes any exercises. After all, you can burn through 750 extra calories per week by standing for three hours per day, five times per week. 

Disadvantages of a Standing Desk

You’ve probably gotten used to sitting all day, so there will naturally be some drawbacks to switching to a standing desk. On the positive side, some of these disadvantages are only temporary, while the advantages can last for the rest of your life. Still, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention them.

You Become Highly Visible

Are you the type of person who prefers to basically remain hidden at work? Unfortunately, a standing desk will make you instantly stand out. Unless, of course, you have your own office with a door you can close. You might feel like you’re on display at first, but once you get used to it, these feelings will pass. Plus, you might just encourage others to join you!

Lunchtime Might be Annoying

Do you work in a place that considers it the norm to eat lunch at your desk? This can become problematic if you’ve got your desk set to standing mode. No one wants to eat standing up, after all. Fortunately, you can tackle this issue head-on by simply finding another area to grab a bite to eat. Or lowering your desk to sitting height during lunch time.

Let’s say that most people eat their lunch as they keep working, so it takes them a while to finish. Instead, you could go into the breakroom and plow through your food in 5 to 10 minutes. Once you return to your desk, you’ll be fed and ready to go!

Feet and Leg Soreness

As far as temporary issues go, this one definitely takes the cake. If you’re not used to standing, your body will go through an adjustment period. Therefore, you’ll probably deal with some feet and leg soreness for the first couple of days, and maybe even the first couple of weeks. On the other side of this soreness will be better health and less physical complications, though, so powering through will pay off.

Long Days Are Inconvenient

There is truly no limit to what the human body can become accustomed to. Still, if you end up working for 10-12 hours, it might be too much for you. Ensure that you also have a sitting option available for when you become fatigued. For instance, using an adjustable standing desk will provide you with the best of both worlds.

What are the Benefits of a Standing Desk?

There are tons of benefits associated with using a standing desk, including:

  • Reduced back pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Reduced risk of obesity
  • Enhanced mood

Achieving these benefits does require you to power through the initial roughness of standing rather than sitting. It’ll all be worth it, though, as you’ll gain the ability to move with more ease. The longer you use a standing desk, the better your overall benefits will be, too.

Here’s a real-world example of how much you can change your body for the better! As the writer of this piece and many, many others, I got used to sitting all day. My body felt terrible as a result. I dealt with frequent back issues, along with wrist problems and general fatigue.

About a year and a half ago, I decided that I’d had enough of it, and I started moving my body with more regularity. It was hard at first, as I wasn’t accustomed to standing so often. Now, though, I don’t have aches and pains anymore, and I find it difficult to sit for long periods of time! I don’t get tired most days anymore, either.

What I discovered was that my main impediment to movement—my pain—was eliminated when I actually committed to movement. It’s quite common for me to discover that I’m even walking in place while working. I don’t even think about it; it’s just something that happens. As a side note, I also lost 40 pounds and went from being pre-diabetic to not being insulin-resistant at all!

Ergonomics of a Standing Desk

When you’re ready to make the switch from a sitting desk to a standing desk, there are a few ergonomic considerations to keep in mind. You don’t want to accidentally end up hurting yourself even more, after all.

  • Proper height is critical! Your standing table height should be approximately the height of your standing elbows.
  • Be sure your monitor height and the height of your keyboard and mouse are also appropriately placed. This means placing your monitor so that the top portion of the screen is either at or slightly below your eye level.
  • Supportive shoes are critical. Be sure to replace them as needed.
  • Don’t stand in the exact same position all day. Instead, alternate your postures by taking a break to sit, rather than stand.
  • Use an ergonomic chair or a supportive adjustable stool when you do sit down.
  • Always remain aware of how your body feels. If you have issues standing, make adjustments until doing so works for you.
  • Purchase an anti-fatigue mat to stand on. This one simple thing will make a huge difference.

We should also mention that although using a standing desk can relieve your back pain, it’s also vital to ensure you don’t end up making any existing knee or leg problems worse. Consult your doctor to find out if using a standing desk is right for you.

Should I Get a Standing Desk?

The question of ‘should I get a standing desk’ is easily answered. As long as you don’t have any health conditions that would be exacerbated by it, it’s definitely a wise idea to upgrade to a standing desk. In fact, choosing to stand when you could be sedentary instead will help you avoid issues such as premature death, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. So, the question should really be ‘how can I afford not to get a standing desk?’

You don’t have to stand all day, either, nor should you. Just as people with traditional desks are advised to stretch and stand up once every 30 minutes, you should also take sitting breaks. Fortunately, adjustable standing desks take care of your needs, whether you’re standing or sitting. Therefore, when you weigh up all the standing desk pros and cons, it just makes the most sense to take a positive step for your health. Remember: your job may pay the bills, but investing in a standing desk pays dividends for your health and well-being in the long run.

Ready to make the switch? Contact Saraval Industries today and discover the perfect ergonomic standing desk for your workspace. Don’t wait—your health and productivity are worth it!



Should I get a standing desk?

Yes, you should consider getting a standing desk if you want to improve your overall health, reduce back pain, and increase your energy and productivity. Standing desks can help you avoid issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. However, it’s essential to ensure you don’t have any health conditions that could be exacerbated by standing for long periods.

Why are standing desks good?

Standing desks are good because they promote better posture, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases associated with prolonged sitting, improve blood circulation, and help maintain energy levels throughout the day. They also encourage more movement and can help reduce back pain.

What are the benefits of a standing desk?

The benefits of a standing desk include:

  • Reduced back pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced stress
  • Enhanced cardiovascular health
  • Reduced risk of obesity
  • Better mood and overall well-being

Should I get a sit/stand desk?

Yes, a sit/stand desk is an excellent option as it allows you to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day. This flexibility helps prevent the fatigue and discomfort associated with standing or sitting for too long and promotes better ergonomics and health benefits.

Do I need a standing desk?

If you spend long hours at a desk and want to reduce the health risks associated with prolonged sitting, then yes, you could benefit from a standing desk. It can improve your posture, reduce back pain, and enhance your overall well-being.

What are the pros and cons of standing all day?


  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases
  • Improved posture and core strength
  • Increased energy and productivity
  • Enhanced mood and mental alertness


  • Initial discomfort and soreness in feet and legs
  • Potential for varicose veins if standing too long without movement
  • May be challenging to adjust to at first

What are the cons of standing desks?

The cons of standing desks include:

  • Initial adjustment period with discomfort and soreness
  • Increased visibility in open office environments
  • Potential inconvenience during long workdays without sitting breaks
  • May require additional ergonomic accessories (e.g., anti-fatigue mats)

Are sit stand desks better for you?

Yes, sit/stand desks are better because they offer the flexibility to alternate between sitting and standing, which helps reduce the risks associated with both prolonged sitting and standing. They promote movement and better overall ergonomics.

Is it better to sit or stand at a desk all day?

It’s best to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Neither sitting nor standing all day is ideal. Switching positions regularly helps reduce the risks associated with both prolonged sitting and standing, promotes better circulation, and prevents fatigue.

Maria Vestal:
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